Top 10

You told me to write something more human, because otherwise people will start to be scared of me, or at least they will start to worry. Therefore I have collected the top ten reasons why it is worth running in Vondelpark.

1 You can sweat and spit as much as you want, the only look you receive will be that of admiration.

2 You can smoke weed without practically entering any coffe shops. (and you can still say you are more of a sportive person)

3 Running suit makes you invisible: the easiest way to get familiar with the every day life of any person you wanna learn more about (or maybe you don’t want, but you will)

4 On a sunny day you can have an overall outlook on the compound of the society of Amsterdam (It also includes some asses in obvious positions. Unfortunately, they don’t always belong to dogs.)

5 You can experiment how much time it is necessary to erase a puzzle of 5000 pieces from earth (The puzzle parts were spread at Queen’s day close to the bird statue. I still see the traces, but it’s not so obvious anymore.)

6 Perfect place for calves-checking. „Show me your calves, I tell you who you are” - this is my new slogan (Hungarian translation: „Mutasd a vádlid, megmondom ki vagy.”)

7 There is no need for an Ipod to listen to music. (My favourite singer is a guy who sings „I love you, I love you, I love you” always with the same tune. This is the only reason why I remember him.)

8 Perfect place for linguistic studies: Identify as many languages as possible in one hour. The minimum number is five. Advanced runners can also start their comperative socio-linguistic studies here: What are the most common things that different nations are talking about in Vondelpark?

9 You can drink from the tap at the entrance ignoring the fact that yesterday you saw a dog licking the end of it.

10 There is a high chance that one day you will run across. I hope you won’t recognize me so that after passing me I can turn back and have a quick look at your calves. (Otherwise my heart will stop.)


prof56 said…
Örülök, hogy újra frissül a blog, szeretem olvasni a szövegeidet, még ha lengyelül is van például.

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