If You Care To Wish Upon
I don’t know if you have ever thought about how historical events influence your own life. I’m sure everybody remembers where was and what was doing on 9/11, for example. When that happened, I was in Paris with my future-ex-boyfriend and hardly noticed anything from the importance of that sorrowful event. All I remember was that I was really into him and I loved him so much that I was ready to be his friend-friend, only to have him in my life somehow. I still think so. In the Netherlands it’s forbidden to smoke in public area since 1st July and I’m still recovering from the consequences of that act (and it’s not about the addiction).
But movies are not only about love (which is up and down). There must be places where you can always retreat after heavy battles in your heart (sort of personal historical events). I think there is a moment when the absolute feeling of being alive makes you happier than anything else and it’s good to return there once in a while. These are those places and I’ve been there many times in the last weeks.
I see so many possibilities of living a life that I’m still confused. For example, there was this woman on the boat cruise on Friday night. The woman was German in her forties, her partner around 60 with really deep and gruff voice, someone who might suffer from larynx cancer. The woman had an English bull terrier aside. We sat in the back of the boat. Our company was friendly, they offered us some drinks and snacks, we could also stroke the always-smiling-like-an-idiot dog. After a while our communication became speechless, only smiles were talking. Actually, the „old people” got totally wasted, only the dog had fun. The dog which was said he was not afraid of anything. Well, after my friends saved his ass from falling into the water by grabbing his collar, the dog was not that brave anymore. I’m glad the woman had this dog at least. As she said, most of her family died last year. Since then she’s enjoying life. So we are.

Anyway, if I return to my roots, to the things that completely satisfy my lust for life, I still have things to say. Swimming in the sea yesterday is one of them. The sunshine was striking on the beach, clouds were coming and going, the wind was harsh but not scary yet. I knew from the first second we arrived that I was going to meet the waves. I was so much overjoyed by the huge waves and the power of the sea that I could hardly come out of the water. I was not cold at all. When I finally came out, I had to run a while and play frisbee. I don’t remember if I have been in such a harmony with the universe before… Conclusion: I’m going to learn surfing.
And I’m glad to have Roadmovie 131, which is a compilation I’m listening nonstop again. And I’m happy to have friends around: married, biking or visiting ones, and I’m happy for the short Chinese guy in the Vondelpark I meet on a regular basis for months now, who just started to say hi during our running sessions. And I’m proud of the 133 km I ran during the last 2 weeks at one of my favourite places on earth. Let's see what's next.