Pure Morning
When I hear someone whistling, which happens all the time in the office, I think about this book I have read recently. This is one of the books that changes lives. No doubts, it has changed mine. I don’t see the things in the same way anymore. There is before and after. Before and after I read this book. For example, after the book I know that whistling is a sign and that I must be really glad to work in an office which is full of whistling.
This book is a filter for me that lets through only the most delicate parts. A sieve that collects the finest grains of sand in the desert and keeps the unnecessary out. How interesting it was to read through my blog after this book and find all the matches with it. It is like stepping in the footprints of my dad as a little girl in the snow. I’m balancing and trying to keep the direction. I have no power to ask where we are going to… Once in a while it is good if someone knows the way a little bit better and thinks ahead. This way I also reach my goal faster.
I like such proofs of not being alone. Even though these signs are getting from books that were written by complete strangers who lived far from me both in time and in place. Sometimes these signs are obvious, sometimes I have to be more attentive to receive them. I love to think that there is a message behind every insignificant detail. It makes that beautiful pattern in the carpet. We are chained.
This book is a filter for me that lets through only the most delicate parts. A sieve that collects the finest grains of sand in the desert and keeps the unnecessary out. How interesting it was to read through my blog after this book and find all the matches with it. It is like stepping in the footprints of my dad as a little girl in the snow. I’m balancing and trying to keep the direction. I have no power to ask where we are going to… Once in a while it is good if someone knows the way a little bit better and thinks ahead. This way I also reach my goal faster.
I like such proofs of not being alone. Even though these signs are getting from books that were written by complete strangers who lived far from me both in time and in place. Sometimes these signs are obvious, sometimes I have to be more attentive to receive them. I love to think that there is a message behind every insignificant detail. It makes that beautiful pattern in the carpet. We are chained.
I don’t know how you live your life. I only know how I live mine. I’m looking ahead and I’m walking into the right direction (at least in the firm belief that this is the right direction). Sometimes I step into footprints which tell me I’m not the first one going this way. This gives me power and encourages me to keep going. Once in a while people appear beside me. Then we walk together. Our steps become slower, sometimes faster. After certain time one of us drops behind. And I keep walking. I keep walking to leave footprints for those who left behind. And I keep walking for those who forewent. Who knows: they might turn back to check up on me and I wanna be there walking. And whistling.