Now I'm In It
2019 is not over yet. In order to complete this uneven year differently, I decided to finish or to start a few things, which I may have procrastinated for years, before 2019 ends.
Restarting my blog belongs to these few things. I had the intention to get back to it multiple times, but somehow it never happened. Got busy with other things, I guess. I did get back to it from time to time, maybe once a year, just reading the old blog posts, old references, most of them I totally forgot. I liked the idea that there has been a place, where I could just say WHATEVER so after each time I visited my old blog (I even lost my login details and got access to it again in a complicated way, but that was also a long time ago, so I forgot) I promised to get back to it.
And I didn’t. I have nothing to say, I thought (and that’s been always like that. Me thinking that.) I don’t want to waste people’s time, or my time. What is it that matters after all? I also have the tendency to think with time you don’t always get better, at one point things start to get worse.
My language skills definitely suffer from me living in Amsterdam. I’m not a master of any of the languages I connect to strongly. My Hungarian is awkward, my English is basic with a strong Eastern European accent, and my Dutch is almost forgettable. The situation is not so bright when it comes to expressing myself and that’s a concern, in general.
So there are lots of other things bothering me or pushing me to stop writing because it (may) suck(s). But trying it anyway for old times’ sake just to see how it goes. How the world will change when I return here from time to time to say WHATEVER. And this it for now. I have a long list of todo’s till the end of December.
Things like this:
- complete 1000km running in 2019 (I’m at 853km now)
- practice bass guitar (almost) daily
- read 2 fiction books (real books I haven’t read yet, one in Hungarian, one in English)