F**k it
A book happened to me. Since then I haven't done much, I'm just enjoying the consequences of reading this book. Right now I don't want more. But the more I think about it, I realize that in this very short time (I bought the book last Wednesday) I have done so many things I was unwilling to do for months. Controversial? Well, not. There is an explanation for everything. And the explanation is in this book.
The inner peace I lost for a long time, or better to say I never had, is in my possession right now and there is nothing and nobody who could take it back from me. I think you just have to read this book and tell me how it feels. For me it did the magic and I'm sure it will do the magic to all my friends and all the people who read it. If you have had bad feelings about anything in your life lately, this is an essential thing to do, right now. So just F**k it!

F**k it by John C. Parkin