The Bucket List
You asked me why I run. Why do I live? I would ask you. Who knows the answer? I think I could fill up a book explaining to you why I run. Even if it seems senseless to run nowhere, to run to the same place from where I started, many things happen in between. Or maybe the opposite happens, that nothing happens while I’m running and running around in the park. I don’t hurt people (just avoid me if I don’t wear my contact lenses), and I don’t get hurt (I also try to avoid potholes). Sometimes I think when I run I can stop time. Smooth and mellow time bubble, almost like being nowhere, almost like being in that completely clean and soft white towel. I like to disappear unawares in my running suit and think this is the only way I can fit in. Sometimes I have the feeling that I can turn back time with running. If I really wanted to, I could go back in time, I could be next to You, and we could have that conversation again. Then I feel I run for You. And at the same time, I always run forward...