
Showing posts from April, 2010

F**k it

A book happened to me. Since then I haven't done much, I'm just enjoying the consequences of reading this book. Right now I don't want more. But the more I think about it, I realize that in this very short time (I bought the book last Wednesday) I have done so many things I was unwilling to do for months. Controversial? Well, not. There is an explanation for everything. And the explanation is in this book. The inner peace I lost for a long time, or better to say I never had, is in my possession right now and there is nothing and nobody who could take it back from me. I think you just have to read this book and tell me how it feels. For me it did the magic and I'm sure it will do the magic to all my friends and all the people who read it. If you have had bad feelings about anything in your life lately, this is an essential thing to do, right now. So just F**k it! F**k it by John C. Parkin

Forrest Gump (English)

This is your competition. You have to accomplish it alone. I cannot do it for you. To run 42 kilometres at a stretch seems to be an impossible challenge. Especially because you have not prepared for it... You just found yourself among the other runners. First you believed this was a fast sprint, then you thought maximum three more kilometres are waiting for you. After you lost your sense of time and distance, you realized that this is the longest and the most important competition of your life. You are running. The feeling that you will not be able to finish it attacks you from time to time. You are playing with the idea of giving it up while your legs are automatically taking you closer to the end. The farther you get, the more times and the longer you are tasting the extasy of the sweet, moment-lasting surrender. You know very well that this competition is not about the thoughness of body. This game is played in your head, where faith and persistence are gambling. You do not have th...

Forrest Gump (Hungarian)

Ez a te versenyed. Neked kell végig csinálnod. Én nem tudom helyetted. 42 kilométert lefutni egyszerre lehetetlen feladatnak tűnik, főleg hogy nem készültél rá. Hirtelen csak ott találtad magad a többi futó között. Először azt hitted ez egy gyors sprint, majd azt, hogy legfeljebb három kilométer vár rád. Miután elveszítetted érzékedet az idővel és távolsággal szemben rájöttél, hogy ez életed leghosszabb és legfontosabb versenye. Hullámokban tör rád az érzés, hogy nem bírod tovább. Eljátszol a gondolattal, hogy feladod, miközben lábaid automatikusan visznek a cél felé. Minél messzebb jutsz, annál többször és annál hosszabb ideig ízleled a feladás édes, pillanatig tartó extázisát. Tudod jól, hogy ez a verseny nem a test edzettségéről szól. Ez a játék a fejben dől el, az önmagadba, az életbe vetett hited és a kitartásod forog életed kockáján. Nincs lehetőséged csalásra, nem vághatod le az utat, hiszen ezzel éppen a lényeget veszítenéd el. A célt a leküzdhetetlennek hitt távolság legyőzése...

Histats - BigBro News

Well, I'm not very diligent keeping my blog updated and tidy. Not many of you are complaining! For those who still keep some faith in me and click by accident on my blog (I don't assume there is another reason), I thought to share with you some data about the the yearly amount of visits on My Only Planet. Last March I started to use Histats on my blog (a hidden tracker) with the help of which I could see how often you visit my blog. I wanted to make the tracker visible a long time ago... I just didn't get there yet. To compensate this deficiency, I would like to share with you some interesting data and a screenshot to show you what you had done in a year. - My favourite hit was from Kuala Lumpur googleing 'weapons of harmony'. - I'm very much surprised by the strong interest in my blog from New Zealand. I would have never thought of it. - Prague doesn't surprise me, though. Good people are there:) - My sweet Hungarian and Dutch Readers, All I hope is that I ...