
Showing posts from June, 2008

Just For Now

Before I leave town, I have the urge to tell you things that are still in my mind but I haven’t found the appropriate way or time to write them down lately. This might be also the way I want to rememer the past months I have spent here in Amsterdam. It was a really nice period in my life, I have to tell you. Careless, mostly. Maybe a bit passive, if I think of the books around my bed. I couldn’t finish any of them. My greatest reading experience was The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, that I found on Manyi’s bookshelf. Although I had read it years ago, I was reading it again as if it had been the first time. A book I could connect to so many people and things here. The importance of repetition in life etc… I also discovered the experience of reading poems in Dutch and understanding them as well. Allow me to share with you one of my favourites from this beautifully illustrated children book by Hans and Monique Hagen - Thank you, Manyi again! IK DROOM als de nacht nog nie...


What a weird day, my friend. Those dreams coming out of the blue. They were so real, I couldn't resist them... But this is not what I want to tell you. Hopefully most of you are watching European Championship at the moment, and the rest of you are already accostumed to the fact that I don't say any relevant thing in my blog. Because this blog is still not about a story of characters who have conflicts in their lives, they are struggling and there is catharsis at the end. The story in which a character recognizes movies by its music and spends most of his time attending concerts. This is still me getting on bike every morning to work, going to run in Vondelpark after and trying to go to sleep at midnight. Not much to say - to be honest. And it doesn't mean nothing happens to me. So much things are happening, but still. The question - is it really happening to me? - is still there. I need time to integrate everything in my life. Actually, I think I have a special definition w...

Eagle vs. Shark

Ahogy közeleg hazalátogatásom időpontja, egyre többet gondolok arra az elmúlt időszakra, amit itt töltöttem, illetve még töltök mindig, mint egy önálló egységre az életemben, és várom a pillanatot, amikor szavakba önthetem az elmúlt néhány hónap tapasztalatait, miközben az otthoni házunk előtt termő cseresznye ízét kóstolgatom képzeletben. De ez a pillanat még kissé odébb van. Maradjunk egyelőre az állatoknál. Mióta munkámat tekintve elszakadtam a rendszeres filmnézés lehetőségétől, ami a pénzkereset legkellemesebb módja, akarva-akaratlanul közelebb kerültem az állatok világához. Nem mondom, hogy a filmek szerepét felváltották volna az állatok az életemben, mindenesetre nagyobb helyet kaptak benne, mint eddig. Érdeklődéssel figyelem az ember-állat kölcsönhatását és lenyűgözve hallgatom, milyen meghökkentő dolgokra képes a természet. Bizony, az állatok irigylésre méltó tulajdonságokkal rendelkezne k, amelyekből lenne mit tanulniuk az embereknek. Ha valaki azt gondolja, hogy az állatok a...