Love Story

(R-nak) When I’m arguing with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, I’m going to tell him to ignore the Books Read column, and focus on the Books Bought instead. "This is really who I am" I’ll tell him. "If you let me in, I’m going to prove it, honest." I don’t want anyone writing in to point out that I spend too much money on books, many of which I will never read. I know that already. I certainly intend to read all of them, more or less. My intentions are good. (Nick Hornby, The Polysyllabic Spree – essays) The only person who misses my regular writings here is probably me. That only one person makes me feel different from the rest. But. Even if I don’t write regularly, I’m very careful with the instinct that attaches me to black letters on white paper. They are still in me and they will be always there. So let’s just take it as a temporary state that will turn into this dimension sooner or later. Assumingly, with a more colourful background, if we count with other di...